Wolfgang Kroutil, (1972年8月5日-) 奥地利出身的生物有机化学家。研究方向是酶化学。现为University of Graz教授(照片来自:https://www.labo.de/l)
- 1991 – 1995 Graz University of Technology, 学士学位
- 1995 – 1998 Graz University of Technology, 博士学位 (Prof. K. Faber)
- 1998 – 1999 Novartis crop protection (现Syngenta-Chemchina), Basel, Switzerland, 博士后研究员
- 1999 – 2000 R&D Manager (Krems Chemie Chemical Services GmbH)
- 2000 – 2004: University of Graz, Department of Chemistry, 助理教授 (Prof. K. Faber)
- 2003 Habilitant Grant (兼任)
- 2004 – 2013: University of Graz, Department of Chemistry, 准教授
- 2013-现在: University of Graz, Department of Chemistry,教授
- Biotrans Award 2015
- Biocat Award 2012
主要进行酶cascade反应、C-C bond formation (Berberine Bridge Enzyme (BBE), AcylTransferase (AT), Tyrosine Phenol Lyase (TPL) etc)、C-N bond formation (omega-TransAminase etc) 、使用定点突变(Site Directed Mutagenesis, SDM)进行酶的进化、酶催化的天然产物全合成等研究
Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 3 (English Edition)
- 著者Gonzalo de Gonzalo,Iv¿n Lavandera
- 出版日2016/02/16
- Kindle版311页
- 出版社Wiley
- W. Kroutil:ACIE Authors Profile
- W. Kroutil:ORCID
- W. Kroutil:Department Website
- W. Kroutil:Laboratory Website(with Kurt Faber)
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