瑞士政府以学术振兴为目的,在1961年开始,为吸引从事科学研究的优秀博士生或者博士后研究员,设立了一项奖学金Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists。瑞士政府最近公开了下一年的应募概要,截止日期为今年11月份中旬。(该奖学金与其他奖学金相比截止日期相对较晚)
- Theresearch scholarshipis available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree as a minimum) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies atdoctoral or post-doctoral level.
Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology. Only candidates nominated by an academic mentor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered. - 该奖学金支给期间为3年(博士或者博士后)
薪水为每个月3500法郎(这个是博士后的待遇、PhD是每个月1920法郎),虽然钱没有HFSP、Marie Currie(申请截止日期2018年9月14日)跟ETH fellowship多、但是这点钱足够在瑞士过基本生活了。此外,作为奖学金福利,虽然小编不知道有关条款和保险条款和条件的详细信息,但是该奖学金涵盖了帮助全额支付瑞士昂贵的基本医疗保险。另外还能得到瑞士公共交通的半价年卡(PD,PhD一年大概能省去200法郎)、还有瑞士与母国的往返机票、一年数次的社交活动(徒步旅行,圣诞大餐,湖泊巡游等)。另外,PhD由于每个月只有1920法郎奖学金,而瑞士大学对从事chemistry研究的学生的工资为4000法郎,这里有2000法郎的差额,这个应该可以跟研究室的教授商量,很有可能可以补上这个差额。According to the website of ETH (谷歌搜索salary ETH PhD) about the salary in Swiss university, chemistry students are paid roughly 4000 CHF per month. However, this scholarship only offers 1920CHF per month and I would like to ask you whether this amount is enough for (1) living in Switzerland as a PhD student and (2) the acquisition of the working permit.
- Uni Geneva, Dept Chemistry
- Uni Bern, Dept Chemistry
- Uni Basel, Dept Chemistry
- Uni Zurich Dept Chemistry
- Uni Lausanne Dept Chemistry,
- ETH Zurich Dept Chemistry,LOC,IPW,LAC
- EPFL Lauranne Dept Chemistry
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